You may probably already know that if your land lies just inside a Green Belt, planning permission becomes much more difficult to obtain. The fact is getting planning permission to build on the Green Belt may be tricky - but it’s certainly not impossible!
There are very few England-wide maps of the Green Belt, and most of those are a few years out of date. Our Green Belt map below uses the latest available government data.
So if you want to know if the property / land you own or are considering buying is in the Green Belt, just type in the postcode and see whether it is in one of the large green-shaded zones. It’s as simple as that.
Alongside the Green Belt, the new NPPF introduces the concept of the grey belt to unlock sites for housing while maintaining essential Green Belt protections. Check your land’s eligibility for grey belt status with our Grey Belt Assessment tool.
(NB: Small, unconnected green areas on the map, like parks and playing fields, are not part of the Green Belt but are usually protected.)