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Book your phone/video consultation with our expert team

Book your consultation and get a clear sense of what kind of development has the most potential on your site.

Decorative image of architects working

Before you embark on your property development project, it’s essential to clarify your position first and establish whether your project is feasible, viable and commercially sound.

We understand how stressful this process can be and will help you navigate the complex process of seeking planning permission and designing and developing your site.

With no obligation to instruct us further, we offer you the perfect opportunity to find out about the required level of planning and design work and for us to get to know you and your project better.

Please note that we charge a nominal fee of £175+VAT to cover our time and research for this initial consultation.

Bright and airy wooden staircase with glass panels
Bright and airy wooden staircase with glass panels
Talk through your plans with an architect or a planner, not a salesperson, to learn more about our architectural and planning services while we evaluate the initial feasibility of your project.
Signature of Megane Leroux, BA(Hons)
Practice Manager
Megane Leroux

Practice Manager

Portrait of Megane Leroux, BA(Hons)
Practice Manager

Ready to unlock the potential of your project?

We specialise in crafting creative design and planning strategies to unlock the hidden potential of developments, secure planning permission and deliver imaginative projects on tricky sites

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Decorative image of an architect working